Tuesday, 12 May 2015


This argument has spanned wide. Many rumors and speculations have been tendered concerned the 2 parties in today’s fixture. Hibernation and Sleep function on windows PC have been put side by side and it has caused a lot of confusion and more arguments set sail when it was noticed that the hibernate function wasn’t on windows 8 and 8.1 by default whenever systems were put on for the first time. Hibernation and Sleep are 2 different parties that have their different functions. Today, We would put this two in the ring and have them take a swing at each other and judge who is king of the ring.

Hibernation can be defined as a process of putting the computer in a 0 power state of rest, the computer uses 0 power while it is hibernated. Hibernating the computer saves all open documents, applications and programs to the computer and goes off. When the computer is put back on, this saved programs and documents are re-opened and the computer comes back on, restoring the state it was when the computer was initially on. Use the Hibernate function when you won’t be using the computer for an extended period and wouldn’t want to close open programs and files.

Sleep puts the computer in a low power state. The computer doesn’t complete go off.it is a power saving function that is so similar to pausing a movie you are watching on DVD player. The current state of the computer (files and program) are saved in the memory and full operation can be readily and quickly restored when the computer is turned back on. This function is very useful when the user wouldn’t be using the PC for a short period of time and doesn’t want to turn off the pc. It uses power but not as much power as when it is fully on or hibernated.

They both save the computer state and save power but the hibernate function uses no power and for me is the winner of this round. This function would save your work state and use no power. For me, I’d rather hibernate my computer and save a few percentage of battery rather than burn it while the pc is sleeping because you can never tell when a short wait would tend into a long one.


Hibernation: Hibernating your computer has no special requirement and can be done on every windows operating system that supports hibernation. On some windows 8 and 8.1 PCs, the hibernate functions not enabled but can be manually enables by the user.
SLEEP: the sleep function has some requirements that the PC must have for the function to be made available for use. The laptops video card must support the function. It might not support it or the drivers may just not support sleep. An upgrade of the driver might make this available.

We can all see that hibernation sure packs more steam. If you don’t agree, it is definitely because you were not sitting on this side of the ring. Simply put, we all have different needs and satisfactions. I always use hibernate and some people just enjoy using sleep instead. Whichever you choose, just be sure to understand how it works and know the reason why you should rather sleep or hibernate at any time. id post some info on enabling Sleep and Hibernate pretty soon.From this side of the ring, I’m knocking out. Bye!


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